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Welcome to Bosnian Stamps Place on the World Wide Web!

This site features some pictures of postage stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina and at this moment available information.

This is a new edition of the site. We have done a complete refurbishment and result is in front of you.

Site is stile under construction and it will continue to develop. For now there are a quite few stamps with information about them. We are truing to make this site interesting and enjoyable to visit. Beside viewing stamps on this site, your are now able to ask an a real philatelist Samir Saltaga about stamps from Bosnia and former Yugoslavia. You can also purchase from him stamps you are interested in.

Start your visit to this site by reading the story about this site and stamps, and after that continue your visit by viewing stamps.

Only years marked with the red arrow are active links.

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Stamp picturestamps index
 This page is a part of a cluster of WWW sites made and maintained by members of the "Siba's Friends and Relatives Worldwide, Inc. We are currently maintaining following sites:

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For comments, questions or contributions go to Contacts.


You are visitor  nr.    since 4. February 1998


Updated: 4. February 1998


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